General terms and conditions

I. Definitions

  1. Client
    Every person who requests a session is a client from the moment an appointment is booked, with responsibilities as in (IV). For the sake of equality, the relationship is not patient-therapist but client-provider. Additional conditions apply for clients under the age of 12: sessions will take place in the presence of the minor and a guardian, with responsibility for data and payment to the guardian. For children over 12 years old, the presence of a guardian is not necessary, this is determined in consultation with the child.
  2. Touch till Dawn
    Sessions are offered and carried out by Touch till Dawn represented by Judit Kovács, registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 88866750, VAT identification NL004663514B56 at various locations
    – Studio Oost West in Rotterdam, Westblaak 122C
    – Zero Point in Breda, Ceresstraat 29
  3. Kinesiology
    Kinesiology is a complementary medicine aimed at restoring balance in and between structural, biochemical and psycho-emotional health, connected by energetic aspects. Muscle testing, various protocols and lists are used.
  4. Craniosacral reflexology
    Craniosacral reflexology (Poyet method) is a complementary medicine aimed at optimizing the body’s self-healing capacity by manipulating the cerebral fluid surrounding bones.
  5. Access Bars
    Access Bars is an energetic practice aimed at clearing and releasing limiting beliefs and patterns through gentle touching of 32 points (bars) on the head.

All techniques offered are complementary and therefore not a replacement for regular care!

II. Methodology

All techniques offered use a combination of conversation and touch techniques – always clothed (comfortable clothing recommended). The average duration of a session is approximately 75 minutes with the typical attrition rate

Intake/Anamnesis: discussion about the goals of the session, complaints and medical data on the basis of which we determine the technique to be applied.

We move to the massage table, the client lies down comfortably on his/her back, without shoes. Based on the chosen technique, we continue with:

  1. Kinesiology: after some basic verifications, using muscle testing and a variety of protocols, we investigate the problem, the root cause (in the past) and the protocol(s) to bring the system back into balance. The protocols are run and results verified. Exercises can be recommended for the coming period to anchor the changes.
  2. Craniosacral reflexology: various points mainly on the craniosacral “tree” (sacrum, spine and skull) are gently manipulated, lying on the back and the abdomen. In addition to deep relaxation (with or without music as desired), a few steps are sometimes taken.
  3. Access Bars: various points mainly on the head are gently touched for several minutes per point. We work in silence and without music, only any discomfort is indicated during the session.

After applying the touch technique, we calmly return to the chairs to discuss any questions and follow-up and to arrange payment.

III. Payment

Payments can be made

– In cash
– Via payment request with any Dutch bank to NL51 KNAB 0605 6457 44
– Via PayPal to
during the session.

IV. Client Rights and Responsibilities

The sessions are done on bases of equality and self-accountability of the client. Client must correctly indicate all relevant information for the anamnesis, including medication, treatment history, chronic diseases, possible pregnancy or history of cancer. Each session is performed with the client’s permission.
The client has the right to access his client file and invoices.
When making an appointment, the client assumes the responsibility to be present for the session on time and to pay the applicable rate afterwards. Payment obligation arises when booking a session, unless the session is canceled at least 48 hours in advance.

V. Framework, Rights and Responsibilities Touch till Dawn

All actions of Touch till Dawn follow the guidelines of the Dutch Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO) and the Dutch Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz). An emphasis of the ethical code is the confidentiality of all sessions: personal, medical or other potentially sensitive information is never shared with third parties without the client’s permission. Data given orally or digitally is protected according to GDPR.
Touch till Dawn acts in the interests and with consent of the client, with a neutrality towards the client’s goals and wishes. In equality, choices are made together, always with the client’s permission and at the client’s own choice.

Touch till Dawn cannot be held liable for
– results after consultations, only for acting according to the above guidelines
– consequences of incomplete or incorrect information provided by the client
– damage to the client’s property while parking at or entering/using practice addresses

The methods offered are not ways of
– Making diagnoses
– Changing or replacing prescribed medication/treatment
– Eliminating incurable diseases

Right to refuse

Touch till Dawn reserves the right to refuse treatment in the event of
– concerns for serious (mental or physical) complaints (to be treated in regular care) that pose a risk to the client’s health,
– significant delay of client making a full session impossible,
– inappropriate behaviour of client.